Category Archives: XBOX

A Place to Think

While on Endor, regardless of what is going on in the Star Wars Battlefront multiplayer universe; a stop along the lake is a welcome pause for reflection about ones place.


It doesn’t take long for someone with a silly gamertag to ruin what could have been a moment. The walk is nice and as long as you keep your wits about you; everything will be OK.


A Week with an XBOX One

The Xbox One seems touchy, overly complicated, and even time consuming; or I’ve been doing it wrong.

Nearly a full week ago a brand new Xbox One console from Microsoft was unboxed in our living room to the overwhelming excitement of a little boy and his dad. The last console; the Nintendo Wii was unplugged and moved to the higher shelf and now rests comfortably next to the Sega Genesis and Nintendo NES.


With a space cleared the Xbox was connected to the Television, Internet and powered on for a next generation experience…

“Your console needs an update.”

Ok; no worries.

15 seconds in to downloading the update my son proclaims that,

“This is taking forever!”

This was foreshadowing.

After the console updated and the game was installed; then the controller required an updated version.

The controller!?

An hour later and I don’t know how many, “are we there yet’s” gaming began. The gaming is fun and the Xbox One handles game play with ease. Pounding through layers of blocks on a Minecraft map or surviving endless waves of Imperial force in Star Wars Battlefront; the Xbox delivers problem free fun.

Microsoft’s console is pretty remarkable and offers a cornucopia of entertainment options to satisfy any member of the house. Before the long list of features, functions and benefits the Xbox One console provides to the user; let’s talk about what “it” is.

The Xbox One home video game and entertainment console from Microsoft is a Gaming Desktop. Let that sink in.
Now, I know what you are thinking…

Am I comparing the Xbox One from Microsoft to MSI’s Vortex G65? Yes, yes I am. Simply on price. The MSI desktop computer offers an Intel I7 gaming experience that I’m sure will knock your socks off; if the $3,999 price tag doesn’t . The Xbox and Sony’s PlayStation 4 both use an AMD CPU and I just bought an XBOX for $299. $3,999 vs $299; I mean, it’s there; one of those numbers is really large and the other is, well, it’s the opposite. So, with that being said; I believe that the Xbox One is a remarkable achievement in whatever category this feat would go into.

A gaming PC for $299! You know what a gaming PC is? A computer. A desktop computer that handles next generation games as well as all the other functions you’ve come to expect from a computer running Windows for $299. Sure, there is no monitor; but you probably already own a television with an HDMI port and I doubt a budget desktop would include a monitor at a price of $299.

Now at this price many short comings can easily be forgiven and overlooked, but the Xbox started with a much larger price. Had this console been purchased earlier at a higher price, different opinions would present themselves.

One issue with the Xbox appears to be the way the console clears the memory. Windows has a long history with memory clearing issues and the Xbox One is no exception. Console freeze, screen freeze; whatever you call it, it is frustrating. A simple solution to the underperforming RAM uses the power cord and a wee bit of time.

Problem free operation of the Xbox One requires all power to be cut and enough time for the console to reset itself.

Plug in and play.